Learning Go

Categories: Blog

Yesterday while searching for my Valorant summoner name I learned a couple of important things.

  • Number 1. There’s no such thing as a Valorant summoner name.
  • Number 2. While searching someone suggested to use the Riot API to find your League of Legends summoner name. *Mind Blown* I had to idea such thing existed, but I guess it make sense with all the leaderboards websites lying around.

I have been thinking about learning AWS and GO and everything in between just to experiment. I haven’t done in a while because every time I want to try something I end up using stuff related to daily job so I end up with no personal projects for web related technologies. So this was the perfect change to learn Go.

Well… not really the perfect chance, because honestly I didn’t think Go is the better technology to build a site right now, HOWEVER the backend in the other hand… that would be a nice test.

And full disclosure, I don’t really need a backend because I want to use this Riot API, so I could use that, but I thought that I can add a layer there, get the data from the Riot API and create my own backend to send the information to the application, it would help to avoid the rate limit in the Riot API as well.

Let’s get started!
